Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Why Company Culture Is So Important For Success

Culture is a daunting thing to think about as a leader even more so when you ponder how you personally can affect it for the better. Culture is absolutely necessary to get right if you want to have a truly successful team. So the question remains, how can one person affect his working environments culture for the better?

What is culture and why is it so important?
I believe it was in Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” he describes culture as a group of individuals that come together and have common values and beliefs. I think this is a great description of culture. Culture is so important because it shapes the individuals in that society to act a certain way in one form or another.
 For instance I grew up in a very small town in Indiana before I joined the military I never had any other job other than a farm hand and on many different types of farms. I truly believe that culture I was placed in while growing up instilled good hardworking traits and habits into me and I greatly benefited from the cultures I was apart of.
            Here is another way to think about culture, imagine it as the root system of a tree. Each root is your companies, squadrons, or families core values, ethics, and valued traits. The stronger the culture/roots the more your society will withstand and hold strong. If you company does not stand for anything it will be blown over by any adversity that comes its way.

How to maintain Culture
A strong culture can be a lifeline to a company facing difficulty; it is not uncommon for a leader to make rash hasty decision under the gun. This is when a strong culture helps, one that a leader can fall back and it can be very comforting. Creating a strong culture will aid the group to build those strong roots, the stronger the roots grow the more support you will get from the rest of your members. Another Reference from “Simon Sinek’s Book Start with Why” (I apologize for not doing the story justice I am currently righting this blog offline and do not have the book handy).
            Basically the story explains a time when the entire world had not been completely explored, and a captain sent an ad out to recruit men for a very dangerous mission to explore Antarctica, the mission was very risky and chances of survival were minimal. They began their voyage and soon enough they were caught in ice they ended up drifting for months with limited supplies and under horrible conditions, many assumed few would come back as the ingredients to that environment often meant mutiny. Finally the ship was rescued and not a one person lost their life. This was to the astonishment of speculators who had estimated most would have died, how did they do this?
            The captain of the boat before they left was very cunning, when he created his ad for the newspaper he created an add that ensured everyone responding would have the same values, traits, and ethics and that would make his culture extremely strong on the boat. He explained in the ad the trip would be extremely dangerous, and odds were they would not make it back. But in the chance they did survive every man on the boat would be famous and do something that no one else could.

Take Away
Build a strong enough culture and no matter the trials or difficulties your society will stick together through pain and be there to celebrate triumphs.

Do you think culture can be taught? Or do you believe it is a Nature vs Nurture phenomenon?

“See You At The Top”
Tom McConnell
Owner Mental Giants Nutrition

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