Saturday, September 19, 2015

Time to Start The Next Hill, Bring it on

   Bring on the next challenge but more importantly the opportunity

10 days Ago I began a new journey, I have been ordered to move from Florida to Alaska just another perk of being in the Military, at first this news hit me hard, I finally got my business setup and beginning to thrive and then I was told I had to pack up and leave.
     Luckily I have recruited two friends/coworkers I worked with from my last job to help me, this has been greatly beneficial in many ways but to name a few in this situation it allowed me to keep all the customers in Florida happy and allow the shipping from the lower 48 states to remain in place. Honestly this has been more of a blessing than a hardship, I am moving to Anchorage which is a huge city and holds so much opportunity, one guy is staying back at the home base in Florida and managing the majority of the inventory, and the third guy is moving to Texas which opens up another market to set roots in.
     As I have made my way literally across the United States I have been feeding my brain many good books and have found and am power consuming an amazing amazing amazing podcast EntreLeadership, many times after listening to an episode I had to sit in silence as I let the wisdom of what was said sink into my mind. I have really been taken back with the quality of information in these episodes, actually so much so I practically pleaded with my business partners to begin ingesting the podcasts immediately, I know we will be successful if we put into place a quarter of the knowledge presented.
     In about six hours I will be boarding a Ferry that will take me on a four and a half day journey and finally land me in Alaska, I plan on doing an enormous amount of reading and listening to podcast as well as some much needed meditation on what I truly want out of the company, about the leader I want to become in the Military, and the a leader at home as a husband and father. Honestly I hope they do not offer WiFi so I able to focus and not be tempted with meaningless distractions.

"See You At The Top"

Tom McConnell

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