Showing posts with label Discipline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discipline. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Diligence, The Secret To Success? I'm Thinking Yes!

As I attempt to sharpen my leadership skills I often look to other great leaders, no matter what industry or area great leaders are always very successful in almost anything they attempt. My question became what are some of the common traits they share?

A Trait All Great Leaders Share
            The more I studied the more I began to see a pattern, everyone of them were very diligent, and the type of diligence I am referring to can be summed up by a quote from Abraham Lincoln who said, “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, I will spend the first 4 sharpening my ax.” To me this is the essence or what it is to be Diligent. Some may argue that diligence is no more than just being persistent, but I believe it is much more than that. To me diligence is about taking the time to approach a problem or opportunity in attempt to achieve the greatest outcome. We can often be tempted in either reacting to a problem or running head first into an opportunity but of these approaches will only hinder our results.

Diligence Can Be Learned, But You Need to Slow Down
The great thing about diligence, it is a learnable trait one that combines creative persistence, a smart working effort rightly planned and rightly performed in a timely, efficient, and effective manner to obtain the results and gain the purest form and highest quality of the results you are after. Successful people do not react to crisis but rather put the crisis on their timeline, I just listened to a Dave Ramsey podcast which explained it is never good to make a hasty decision when presented with a dilemma even if the presenters are threatening in attempt to gain a quick action, it is always better to let yourself calm down and make the decision at a following time after you seek counsel and have had time to think it over.
            So the question becomes how do I become more diligent so I may get closer to achieving my goals? I believe becoming and holding the virtue of humility will be very valuable while developing diligence. Great leaders must be able to put pride aside and ask those around them good questions, the leader is nearly only as good as the counsel they have around them. Humility will also allow for growth; if you cannot ask questions and seek knowledge it doesn’t matter who you are you will fail soon. "One of us is never as smart as all of us."
Finals Thoughts
Diligence is not exactly just persistence but more importantly looking at the challenge in front of you and figuring out how to best approach it, and to get the most out of it. Seeking knowledge and counsel from many will help immensely, I am sure if I do not find great people to surround myself with I will soon fail, the good thing is reading a book or listening to a podcast is a great way to seek the counsel of tremendous leaders!

What trait do you think is the most important for a leader and successful entrepreneur? Like I said before I am doing this to learn from others and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Take Care

“See You At The Top”
Tom McConnell

Remember Never Give Up, The Reward Is Worth The Challenge!

An amazing video from Eddie Pinero check out his website at he has some great stuff and an amazing perspective

Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to be successful in anything! Start with Discipline

Successful people have one thing in common they are always striving for self improvement. This is commonly misunderstood as never being content, but the truth is many of the very successful know how important it is to be content and happy with what you have and with those around you. They also have an understanding that what they have achieved is not what is important but rather the person they have become on the journey to those achievements. So if you have a desire in you to be great and are unsure of what to do next, pick up a book from someone or something that inspires you, I promise it will lead you to another book and another book your ideas will grow and you will eventually find your purpose, and a purpose in life is a powerful thing, and what it is all about.
    Another tip I have heard time and time again, start building your discipline without it you will miss many opportunities. This can start in little actions, when you decided to go on a run and then attempt to talk yourself out of it Do it anyway Another example when your tired and don't feel like reading that book don't turn on the T.V. and zone out pick up that book! The best part about this is the more you commit to these disciplines the more you will hardwire your brain to perform these tasks and the easier it becomes, soon you will enjoy sitting back reading a book and learning just as much as you have vegging out in front of the T.V. in the past. Your brain can be an amazing asset but that all depends on how you choose to wire it! 

"See you at the top"

Tom McConnell