Saturday, September 19, 2015

What it's all about, The journey to becoming a leader

This is the journey of a "Normal" man trying to create a Company while juggling 2 young kids a wife, a Full time job, and being a full time student! My ultimate goal is to become a strong leader for those around me. I will be successful one day and thought it would be fun to document my progress along the way. So enjoy the blogs don't be to critical as I am learning as I go, but I'm always happy to hear suggestions or advice that may help me along the way. 
      I have been told multiple times I am not normal and should slow down, I have finally begin seeing this as a sign I am on the right track. I am passionate about learning something new everyday and becoming a little better, through studying successful people I have come to see it is about focusing on the day and what you can do in this day to become a better person and that effort will stack up and get you to your ultimate goal.

Chasing Mastery, the only challenge ever more satisfying knowing you will never reach the end.

"See You At The Top"

Tom McConnell

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